Tuesday 12 November 2013

I got to update this for so long since I am depressed and quit my job... and now I am stuck as a freelancer... This is the most design I could get out in my many assignments when I was doing my job, so there;

This design logo is a part of myself, I am usually in solitude, happily making conversation only in chat, not talking much, but very curiosity in mind that I am MOSTLY doing my job with my laptop ON.... I made a term 'voiceheart' is my own voice through my heart, meaning I am voicing support, blame, flame, comfort, happy, exciting, and any emotions that I want to voice, but 'voiceheart' have their terms, Everyone Makes Mistakes....

So I mostly use this for commenting (Usually in YouTube) and voicing my support, and sometimes I teased and laugh....

So THere this is My part of the Updated Journal in My Blog...